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hard work and personal responsibility

Hard Work and Personal Responsibility

Mark Willoughby and Jennifer Faherty of Modera recently invited me to speak on their inaugural episode Hard Work and Personal Responsibility of Decision Dialogues, a podcast series featuring stories from successful business owners. It was a different spin from my typical talks around marketing and branding advice. In this podcast, I get pretty personal. I talk about my varied […]

Leadership Coaching - onDemand CMO

Would You Benefit from Leadership Coaching?

Rarely do we achieve success in a vacuum. Most often, we have a cast of supporters and mentors to credit for our achievements. Mentors play a crucial role in helping us envision our success and pursue it with passion, and these relationships are borne of personal or professional connections that have strengthened over the years. […]


Thoughts for Women on Authenticity in Business

I was recently asked to contribute a chapter to a book about finding business success. I felt honored to have my name printed alongside several brilliant businesswomen who had faced many of the same obstacles and challenges that I have as a business owner.  I chose to write my chapter about authenticity in marketing. I […]


Being Reliable is More Important than Being Talented

Let me go on record and say that being reliable is more important than being talented. Even if it sounds counter-intuitive, I’ve learned that it’s true through years of running a marketing consultancy firm. When you’re working with clients and building trust and rapport, you will get much more mileage out of your consistency and […]

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