When you depend on a network of distributors, resellers, and other partners for your sales, sales enablement needs to be a top priority. While you know the ins and outs of your awesome product/service, your channel partners may not and they likely won’t care about your offerings as much as you do (especially if your product is one of several of a similar type that they sell).
With that in mind, how do you help your partners make their sales goals by selling your products? By giving them the tools they need to sell and in today’s mobile environment, that means the tools should be on their phones and tablets. Here’s a case study of sales enablement in the mobile era to inspire you.
The company: NaviSite, a Time Warner Cable Company, is a leading global provider of enterprise-class cloud enabled hosting, managed applications and services.
The problem: Educating their channel partners about the complex services NaviSite offers so the partners can then turn around and sell those services to their key customers using NaviSite solutions.
The solution: SOS Sales One Source, a cross-platform resource center designed specifically for Navisite and TWC Business Class partners. Filled with presentations, whitepapers, solution briefs, case studies, and fact sheets, this digital library provides partners critical sales tools whether they are in their office or on the go. Channel partners can access this repository from a computer or on their mobile device via the standalone app.
We helped NaviSite develop the content for this reference center so their channel partners will be well armed when they meet with potential customers.
Laurie Harvey, NaviSite’s Director of Channel Marketing & Programs says, “One of the great strengths of this portal is that it not only provides resources and information to Navisite’s partners so they are well educated on Navisite’s products, but it also can be a way to inform potential customers. Each of the resources in the app has a button to share the content via email. If a potential customer has a question during a meeting, the partner can share a whitepaper with them on the spot, or as part of an after-meeting follow up email. It’s pretty novel in our business and we are getting great feedback from the field.”
We’ve talked here before about “closing the loop” in marketing. Closed-loop marketing is the process by which customer data feeds marketing campaigns to boost sales. Tools like this app can help your partners close the loop.
Mobile is dominating the present and will only continue to grow in the future. Apps like this one from NaviSite need to be an integral part of your channel marketing strategy going forward.
Hungry for more about sales enablement for your channel partners? Check out our guide for optimizing sales enablement.
OnDemandCMO has authored 7 Steps of Marketing, the only marketing guide book you’ll need to either get your marketing started properly, or stay on track strategically.
It features best practices on branding, messaging, social media, lead generation and much in between.
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