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People — Not Just Companies — Need Brands: What’s Yours?

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ondemandcmo, insightful and impactful marketing

What do you want to be remembered for? What is it you strive to communicate every day? What punchy adjectives would others use to describe you?

Answering these may seem like you’re writing a eulogy — and in a way that’s not a bad comparison. People want to be remembered for their best qualities, and when creating your personal brand, you need to put those at the forefront of all you do. Unsure of what those traits are? Take part in our Be the CMO of Your Life program to reaffirm your values and personal brand.

The end of summer often harkens a new fiscal year, bringing with it opportunities to pause, reflect, and take stock of your image, which inherently reflects your company’s. Have you been in a rut? Do you find yourself going through the motions instead of creating bold new strategies that celebrate what makes you stand out? Our program will help you assess where you are now, determine what and who you want to be — for yourself and for others — and define the action steps needed to begin creating this optimal self and the legacy you desire.

Our three-month (six-session) process will take you through future planning, assessment and gap analysis, brand clarity, messaging, and implementation. Each personal session is one hour, and through them we’ll explore and dissect the five selves:

1. mental/spiritual self

2. physical self

3. family self

4. professional self

5. community self

At the conclusion of the program, you will fully embody and articulate your personal brand as well as gain the work habits and daily rituals needed to continue developing, evolving, and nurturing it.

But how do you get there? B2B is about relationships, but the most critical one is the relationship with your own self. Our sessions propel your brand forward, moving from broad questions assessing your positive and negative habits to creating a game plan for future strategies and tactics to establishing the specific message you want to imprint. Along the way, we’ll lay the groundwork for the habits needed to achieve and celebrate your singular voice.

We’re invested in you: let’s find the words that empower and describe you and let them dictate your actions and become inseparable from your style, brand, and personal flair.

Workshop versions of this program for groups are also available. Harness your strengths, refocus your brand today, and Be the CMO of Your LifeFor more information, contact [email protected]

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